Deb wrote:
> I'm trying to assume you are serious but if you are its just an outright
> stupid idea.
> 1. The Just Say No To Drugs tag line was part of a professional advertising
> campaign meaning it would be legally owned and copyrighted. Your slogan is
> obviously a take off on the same theme and because of that you risk stirring
> up the people that do own it and possibly being sued.
> 2. Just Say No To Drugs worked as a slogan because kids were being asked to
> try drugs. No one in the World Trade Center was asked to accept Bin Laden or
> anything else. No one said yes to Bin Laden. The slogan just doesn't work
> for this instance.
> 3. Everyone knows there was a huge survivors fund for families of trade
> center victims.
> 4. You do not say how much will be given from each purchase, to whom it will
> be given, the name of the husband and why the wife needs more than was given
> from the survivors fund.
> 5. The NY Police issued warnings a long time ago to be skeptical of requests
> like this.
It's a pretty good indication that it is a scam when someone pops in to the
group out of nowhere and leaves a link to a fundraiser. Just a few weeks ago
someone posted a beg letter here to help them raise funds to adopt a child.