CLUTCH CARGO!!! What fond memories...
When I was in 10th or 11th grade, a bunch of the students wanted a long
weekend, petitioned the school to give us a Fri off after a Thurs
holiday (way back when holidays were celebrated on the actual day) and
were turned down. My friends and I had access to the school's
mimeograph machine (unauthorized, of course). Clutch was all the rage
at the time, so we declared it "National Clutch Cargo Day" and had one
of our artsy friends draw a good likeness of Clutch. We ran off
hundreds of flyers encouraging kids to ditch school that day. Over a
third of the student body skipped! Will always remember dear old Clutch
for getting us the day off.
Of course, the school threatened dire consequences if we took the day
off, but what could they do, discipline 1/3 of the students? There is
safety in numbers.
Thanks for the mammary!