Julia Altshuler wrote:
> ... pate. None of us can stand it. We don't even like the
> smell.[snip].... not cavier which I think is slimy, salty and fishy.
> I wouldn't go near fois gras.[snip].... Yuck. Those of you
> who enjoy pate and cavier and fois gras, what is it about the foods
> you like? Can you describe them in a way that will make the rest of
> understand?
(shrugging) If you don't like 'em now, you might try them again some
day and change your mind. Tastes change. Until then, there's more for
those who do like them. In particular, I like the texture of caviar,
which I would never call "slimy," and I love its saltiness and
fishiness. Seems unlikely that anyone could change your tastes with a
description. But rfc-ers are ingenious, maybe someone can.