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  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 2005-02-17, Dimitri > wrote:

> OK so how much vermouth do you really use?

Depends on the gin. If I'm feeling really juniperish, I'll go with
Boodles and mix 3:1. If I'm out of Boodles and have some Sapphire on
hand, I'll go the ol' *dry martini route.

Q. How do you make a dry (a), extra dry(b), extra extra dry(c), or super extra
dry(d) martini?

a) 5:1

b) Swirl vermouth around in glass and dump out. Add 3 shots gin.

c) Take a swig of vermouth and whisper "vermouth" over 3 shots of gin.

d) Pour 3 shots of gin in a glass and drink while staring at bottle of
vermouth across room.

