Peter Aitken wrote:
> "fishman" > wrote in message
> > How do restaurants cook their meatballs so that they are so round
> > evenly browned? I fry mine in a pan and they always have flat spots
> > where they touch the pan. This area is also crispier than the parts
> > that don't ever touch the pan.
> >
> > I have tried baking, and get similar results.
> >
> > I am referring to the big italian meatballs that get served with
> > spaghetti. Thanks.
> Those lovely looking meatballs are most likely made by a machine then
> and shipped to the restaurant. Why do you want this result? I doubt
that any
> authentic Italian grandma ever had perfectly round meatballs!
Wouldn't that depend of the configuration of the arm pits? hehe
"French people stink, in body and deeds, BOYCOTT FRANCE"