Olives I don't care for. Something about the combination of taste and
texture that just does not appeal to me. Bleu Cheese... that's a "no"
on my palate. But I love Brie and Camembert. I am one of those people
who wishes the "goat cheese in food" craze would hurry up and pass,
already. I can't STAND the stuff!
I can't afford really GOOD caviar--that will have to wait until I meet
a rich person who's willing to split some with me. But I occasionally
indulge in some lumpfish caviar at the grocery store. I like the
texture, and I like the fishiness of caviar, especially in combination
with some lemon juice and sour cream on a little slice of whole wheat
or rye. (Go figure, usually I don't like rye bread. But I do like it
if it's got a nice dollop of caviar and sour cream on top. Blinis are
even better, but I'm usually too lazy to make them.) Of course, I'm
also a person who loves anchovies, because they too, are salty and
fishy. Many people I know absolutely HATE anchovies. For me though, a
Caesar Salad just is not complete without them.
I LOVE pate, but not all pates are created equal. Maybe the pate
you've been buying is the problem. Or maybe it simply does not appeal
to you, which is valid. I've never had Foie gras, and I have some
ethical problems with the way it's produced, so it's unlikely I'll
partake. However, I don't let this stop me from enjoying OTHER kinds
of pate, consistency being the hobgoblin of small minds. What I like in
a pate is a smooth, soft texture, a rich taste of liver balanced with
whatever seasonings have been used.
Like you I also like saffron--it has a very unique taste, and it turns
any dish a very pretty golden color. BUt on my budget it's a rarity.
On the other hand, I can't stand cilantro, which is an entirely
subjective dislike of mine.
Wine...I'll drink it now and then, but I'm not crazy about it, and
never have been. Two glasses in one evening, and I end up feeling very