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Default The worst food you´ve ever eaten

"lea b" > wrote in -

> Craig Welch wrote:
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>>>> Okey doke, thanks. If you had said in a can I would have avered
>>>>>>> (is that a word?) that it wasn't ketchup. I still wonder what
>>>>>>> tomato sauce is called, there.
>>>>>> Tomato sauce.
>>>>> So, tomato sauce and ketchup are called the same thing?
>>>> More or less. But the products sold as ketchup are *slightly*
>>>> different to those sold as tomato sauce. Different amount of sugar,
>>>> for example.
>>>>> Do you have tomato sauce?
>>>> Yes, it's sold as 'tomato sauce', a ketchup-like product.
>>> Ketchup has vinegar. Tomato sauce has herbs.

>> Tomato sauce has vinegar. I just checked a bottle, and the
>> ingredients a tomatoes, sugar, salt, vinegar, spices.

> I just got out the ketchup and it says: "tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt,
> spice extracts"
>> I trust you're not doing a Sheldon and saying that because our
>> tomato sauce isn't the same as your tomato sauce it's not tomato
>> sauce?

> heh

It's a cultural thing. You use tomato sauce, they use ketchup/catsup. Same
stuff differing countries.

Now if you wanted to make a tomato based sauce for pasta what would be the
name of the tomato substances you would use? I would use tomato paste and
tomato sauce. Basically because I'm too lazy to start with real tomatoes.

But is not the same stuff I'd use as a condiment on my eggs or french
fries. I live in Canada and I am exposed to American and British based
cooking concepts frequently. Up here tomato sauce comes in a can and is
thinner than ketchup. You can get Ketchup in a can, but thats the
industrial sized monster can. You wouldn't confuse 2 bowls of the stuff. Oh
and of course the tomato sauce doesn't taste the same as ketchup.

If I was making cream of tomato soup, I would use tomato sauce and cream as
my main ingredients. I wouldn't be using ketchup. If I was going to dress
up a hotdog I wouldn't be using tomato sauce I'd use ketchup.

Ketchup is a condiment liken to HP sauce or A1 steak Sauce (in North

Tomato sauce is used (in North America) mostly as a cooking ingredient.
Whereas Ketchup is used mostly as a condiment.

Actually the problem is that "Ketchup" has been shortened from "Tomato
Ketchup". {Americans and their Slang differ from the Ozzies and their

And the beet goes on! (or under)
-me just a while ago