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In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> > Most people reserve predator (cat and dog) manure for flower beds
> > supposedly because of disease transmission, but predator manure is
> > usually _much_ higher in nitrogen than horse, cow or chicken manure so
> > it's best to compost it for about a year before using it.

> I have read that dog and cat crap should not be used in vegetable gardens due
> to
> parasites, and the instructions that came with my composter said not top put
> them in
> the composter. Pity. I have two large dogs. I could fertilize a small farm
> :-)

There is nothing wrong with using dog and cat crap for landscaping and
non-edible plants... No need for a composter! Just put it in a 5 gallon
bucket. All of the dog crap composts in that bucket (wetted) with no
odor in about 3 to 4 weeks. I then dump it on the muscadine grape vines
and honeysuckles around the periphery of the yard mixed with soil.

I don't even bother picking muscadine grapes anymore! I let the wild
birds have them.

You could, if you want, purchase or create a separate composter just for
your dog's crap. Just DON'T put scoopable cat litter in there!!! I clean
out the poop and toss the litter :-P It makes a nasty, sticky, slimy mud
if you try to use it. Dad dumped some used once in one area, and I had
to shovel it into a large trash bag and throw it away. I don't save any
of the cat's stuff at all due to that litter now. All cat mess gets
sacked and tossed.

We did used to compost it when we used the old clay cat litter. That's
ok for composting. The old herb garden that is now full of english ivy,
and gnome and fairy statues has a lot of clay cat litter in it, and it's
kept the soil very loose and diggable. I just put some flower bulbs in
there now, and the ivy growth is dense due to the fertilizer.

The herbs have been relocated to clean soil on the West side of the
house. ;-)

> > Heck, I like them raw dipped in ranch dressing.

> That's good. I like them even more with blue cheese dressing. I especially
> like raw
> mushrooms in a salad with chick peas, tomatoes and blue cheese dressing.

Sounds almost good, but I'll pass on chick peas! <G> Just a personal

Might add some sunflower sprouts tho'!




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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra