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In article >,
Priscilla Ballou > wrote:

> In article >,
> Katra > wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Dave Smith > wrote:

> > > You and I know that, but some people just can't get over that, sterilized
> > > or not, it is shit.

> >
> > True... but as I said in my last post, most veggies, especially organic
> > veggies, are also grown in composted animal shit! Usually from
> > vegetarian mammals. We discuss this kind of stuff on the gardening lists
> > all the time.

> When I bought my house 6 years ago and started my organic vegie
> gardening "career" I had a source for "zoo doo." A local
> soil/compost/etc. company had a contract with the local zoo for all the
> herbivore manure, which they then composted. So I was gardening with
> gazelle and giraffe manure! No elephants', I'm afraid.

Mmm, too bad. :-)
I've heard that Elephant manure is some of the best fertilizer on the

> > Most people reserve predator (cat and dog) manure for flower beds
> > supposedly because of disease transmission, but predator manure is
> > usually _much_ higher in nitrogen than horse, cow or chicken manure so
> > it's best to compost it for about a year before using it.

> The colony of feral cats which I and my neighbors help support doesn't
> pay any heed to whether the bed they're using as a litter box is growing
> vegies or flowers, I'm afraid. To a cat, I think any raised bed *is* a
> litter box.

<grins> too true!

> If there were an easy way to attract them to a non-cultivated bit of my
> yard, I might do it, though. I wonder if dumping some of my indoor
> cats' used litter in a spot would attract the other cats to use that
> area or repell them. Hmmmm.
> Priscilla

Easy. Seriously, plant a nice bed of catnip/catmint plants!
Valerian attracts them too.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
to use mental floss twice a day. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra