at Fri, 18 Feb 2005 01:40:50 GMT in >,
(Janet Bostwick) wrote :
>I would have reported back yesterday but I never got around to making
>the candy. I got snarled up with a phone call to HP tech support.
>Whatever you do, never phone tech support anymore. Due to language
>barrier, I spent over 10 minutes just trying to get my name and phone
>number across to the tech person.
Ah, the joys of outsourcing. I'd like to point out to every company that
outsources tech support in order to cut costs, that if your tech support
costs are really so staggering as to require you to outsource, you don't
have a tech support problem, you've got a product problem. In other words,
the total number of calls you should *ever* get to tech support should be
minimal. Any product that generates lots of tech support calls is either
badly designed or badly built. A well-designed product should be pretty
turnkey and reliable with any system or configuration.
Alex Rast
(remove d., .7, not, and .NOSPAM to reply)