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Default All can recipies?

>Nancy Young wrote:
>Katra wrote:
>> Michael Horowitz > wrote:

>> > Hello Blair - what I didn't describe was the backround for this
>> > question. I'm waiting for a winter storm to knock the power out for
>> > two weeks and I'm planning on not having power .

>> Ever thought about buying a generator???

>I wonder how practical it would be to have fuel on hand to run a
>generator for two weeks.

One doesn't need to use gasolene... there are diesel generators too... diesel
fuel is relatively safe, as safe as #2 heating oil. And there are generators
that run on propane (and natural gas models too), very efficient, very
practical, and fairly quiet. In fact there are generators that will run on all
three fuels.

For standby generators one would only need enough capacity for powering the
central heating system controls, fridge, TV, clothes washer, and lights... also
if one has a well... in areas prone to power outages one should have a gas
stove and gas clothes dryer.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."