Thread: gourmet items
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Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a

jacqui{JB} wrote:

>>The people who like them love them and come
>>into our store just for them and rave about how
>>wonderful it is to find a store that carries them.

> ??? "Yuck" because people are happy they've found a shop which sells
> things they like? Or "yuck" because they come across as trendy
> poseurs who don't know any better?

Yuck to the cavier, pate and fois gras, not the people who like them and
come to our store (nearly all of whom are people I rather like and the
few that I don't are so outrageous that the staff has a great time
talking about them afterwards).

I'll supply more answers to all these good responses to my original post
later when I've got more computer time. For now, thanks to all who wrote.
