Arri London wrote:
> Tastes are so personal don't think it's possible to make someone
> understand why a food is liked or disliked.
It's because tastes are so personal that the phenomena is so easy to
Actually it's quite a simple matter to explain the development of taste
preferences, I can do it in one word... EXPOSURE... the propensity for
ones taste prefernces are developed EXACTLY the same as is ones
propensity to favor a particular language. In fact ones native
language and native food tastes develop simultaneously, from birth...
and now there is evidence that such preferences, including intellect,
begin to develop before birth. Naturally just as many exhibit arrested
intellect developement many also have their taste in their ass, usually
those traits are inseparable. Next yoose notice that McDee sign,
notice it neglects to mention how those billions served are all
assholes, all equally devoid of intellect and taste.