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fishman wrote:
> How do restaurants cook their meatballs so that they are so round and
> evenly browned? I fry mine in a pan and they always have flat spots
> where they touch the pan. This area is also crispier than the parts
> that don't ever touch the pan.
> I have tried baking, and get similar results.
> I am referring to the big italian meatballs that get served with
> spaghetti. Thanks.

I have pretty good luck using the oven. I form them into round balls,
space them out on a greased-foil-lined broiler pan and then stick them
in the oven for about 20 minutes or so at a very high temp - I usually
go with 425-450 deg. F.

It makes splatters in the oven, but overall I'm happier with the
results than when I used to brown them on top the stove.
