All can recipies?
In article >,
(PENMART01) wrote:
> >Nancy Young wrote:
> >Katra wrote:
> >
> >> Michael Horowitz > wrote:
> >
> >> > Hello Blair - what I didn't describe was the backround for this
> >> > question. I'm waiting for a winter storm to knock the power out for
> >> > two weeks and I'm planning on not having power .
> >
> >> Ever thought about buying a generator???
> >
> >I wonder how practical it would be to have fuel on hand to run a
> >generator for two weeks.
> One doesn't need to use gasolene... there are diesel generators too... diesel
> fuel is relatively safe, as safe as #2 heating oil. And there are generators
> that run on propane (and natural gas models too), very efficient, very
> practical, and fairly quiet. In fact there are generators that will run on
> all
> three fuels.
> For standby generators one would only need enough capacity for powering the
> central heating system controls, fridge, TV, clothes washer, and lights...
> also
> if one has a well... in areas prone to power outages one should have a gas
> stove and gas clothes dryer.
> Sheldon
Or a wood burning stove/fireplace and a clothesline...... ;-)
Oil lamps are good too, as are candles.
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby >,,<
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