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  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On 18 Feb 2005 05:00:00 -0800, elgoog wrote:

> Thanks for the temperature suggestions. Interesting, you recommend 160
> - 170, I had been told 180 for green teas. Maybe I'll shoot for the
> compromise at 170. I'll take up your idea of finding a microwave
> thermometer to get the time correct. I've noticed it takes longer for
> two cups than one. I've also noticed that different mugs/cups heat the
> water differently. I may choose to always use the measuring cup and
> then note the times for one cup, two cups and four cups.

Well, not all green teas will fall into that range. I've got one that
calls for 200 degrees. But that's beside the point I was making.

The point is that it takes longer than 30 seconds for the water to
cool to an appropriate temperature - even if you're shooting for 180.

And you're absolutely correct about the heating differentials. Two
cups takes longer just as it would on a stove top. You're trying to
heat more water with the same amount of energy.

I, too, have seen mugs make differences in how quickly the water


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