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On 18 Feb 2005 06:53:19 -0800, elgoog wrote:

> Thanks for the clarification on different temperatures. Adagio says
> these teas should be 180. So, 180 it is. I guess that one merely needs
> to pay attention to the particular tea and be willing to experiment a
> little.

I actually use a Teeli tea thermometer to check for my green teas.
It's all celsius. It actually says 65-75 for green teas, which is 149
to 167 Farhenheit. I have found that the greater danger with green
teas is overcooking them by using water that is too hot.

> Any suggestions on choosing loose leaf teas from brick-and-mortar
> (non-Internet) establishments?

You mean when you walk in to buy or ordering from them?


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