<<You mean when you walk in to buy or ordering from them?>>
Yes, I mean walking in to a brick-and-mortar establishment. You know
the real, physical world. I find so much information online about
Internet tea stores and reviews of teas sold online. I am left
wondering, what about finding good loose leaf tea in stores. One of the
things I enjoyed about coffee was going to the stores and picking out
the beans. I want to know about tea, find tea stores and be able to
experience that same sense of knowing what I am looking for and
predicting and recognizing quality.
I realize that my geen tea sampler from Adagio contains teas that have
been reviewed from horrid to average. The horrid one is, well horrid.
Still, the average tea is the best I have ever tasted. I don't mean to
knock Adagio, it just happens their best teas aren't in the sampler I