Leila wrote:
> Folks, make sure the stove is turned off and the answering machine on,
> because you're going to get lost in this digital collection of historic
> American cookbooks:
> http://digital.lib.msu.edu/projects/...ml/browse.html
> Armloads of historic cookbooks, each scanned into the archive page by
> page.
> Read all about the project at this link, with links to the FAQ and a
> video tour:
> http://digital.lib.msu.edu/projects/...l/project.html
> "The Feeding America project has created an online collection of some
> of the most important and influential American cookbooks of the 19th
> and early 20th century. The digital archive includes page images of 76
> cookbooks from the MSU (Michigan State University) Library's collection
> as well as searchable full-text transcriptions. This site also features
> a glossary of cookery terms and multidimensional images of antique
> cooking implements from the collections of the MSU Museum.
> "The Feeding America online collection hopes to highlight an important
> part of America's cultural heritage for teachers, students, researchers
> investigating American social history, professional chefs, and lifelong
> learners of all ages."
> Good luck and have fun.
> Leila
Oh wow! This is WONDERFUL! Thanks, Leila!
Jean B.