Jude wrote:
> This thread is inspired by the thread that started the discussion of
> popcorn with velveeta butter.
> What's your favorite popcorn topping? What do you like to sprinkle? Any
> secret reciped for popcorn goodies? (I like to use air-popped corn in
> place of rice krispies in the rice krispie treat recipe to make easy
> popcorn balls. you can min in nuts or mini-chip to jazz em up.)
Once popped (I use a pan with a little oil), I like to sprinkle my popcorn
with Old Bay seasoning and/or Parmesan cheese. This is just about the only
time I use my Microplane grater on Parmesan --- I like that snowflake-fine
grate when I use it on hot popcorn.
"Mmmm... forbidden donut."
-- Homer Simpson