Ranee Mueller wrote:
> In article >, Arri London >
> wrote:
> > Probably depends somewhat on what one has grown up with. Personally I
> > find 'peanut butter and jelly' sandwiches and 'oatmeal cookies' as
> > revolting as you find 'fancy French gourmet items'.
> Why? Is it mouth feel, taste? I'm curious what can be so bad about
> oatmeal cookies, especially.
> Regards,
> Ranee (who hasn't met a cookie she couldn't eat)
While I do use unsweetened 'natural' peanut butter for cooking, I didn't
grow up with it being a bread spread. The first time I was offered a
PBJ, the first bite nearly got spit out! It's partly the 'raw'
combination of sweet and savoury tastes, with no balance or blending.
Might be a little of the mouthfeel and having the peanut butter sticking
to the roof of my mouth LOL. Not to mention I despise grape jelly full
Most American cookies/biscuits are too sweet and too soft for my taste.
The texture of oatmeal 'cookies' is unpleasant although I do like cooked
oat porridge (unsweetened).