"jmcquown" > wrote:
>ravinwulf wrote:
>> Please stop crossposting your threads flaming that Chung guy. Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> Tracy R.
>He's been asked to many times before (by me, for one). I've just set up a
>news rule in OE to delete anything with the word "Chung" in the subject.
>I'd hate to have to killfile Bob (this one) as he sometimes offers helpful
>cooking advice. But if this doesn't work I'll resort to doing so. (sigh)
I agree 100% Jill! However, I guess my tolerance level is lower than
yours 'cause I killfiled Bob (this one) earlier today. I set the
filter to expire in 30 days so, we'll see what that brings. If, at
that time, he's still fixated on Chung I'll make it permanent.
To email, remove the "obvious" from my address.