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Cindy Fuller
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In article >,
Ranee Mueller > wrote:
> In article >,
> > The love of olives runs in my family too. My son ate so
> > many olives the first time he tried them (as a toddler) that
> > he threw up, but it didn't deter him from liking them.
> Our kids love olives also. We never treated it like strange food, or
> grownup food, so they just ate it as they ate anything else. However, I
> wish they didn't love them so much, as we often give our share to them!
> Regards,
> Ranee (whose inlaws lay the root of their weekly olive budget at my
> feet. I introduced them to many different kinds during our engagement
> and wedding)
I grew up with pimiento-stuffed Spanish olives (okay) and canned
California olives (bleah!!!). The scales fell off my palate when I
discovered good green and black olives. This is probably what happened
to your inlaws.
C.J. Fuller
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