> wrote in message
> i've come across sausage discussions which say that certain varieties
> should always be steamed and never grilled. anyone have thoughts about
> when to grill, steam, simmer, or saute? until now, i've always
> simmered sausages for 10 minutes to make sure they're cooked, and then
> have either grilled or sauted them.
> Josh
Just do as you please. If you simmer first they only get a "finish" on them
from the grill. Longer on the grill will usually render more fat and have a
heavier "crust" on the casing.
Lighter spiced sausages like brats are often simmered first for gentle
cooking. When I cook sausage in the house, I usually put some water in the
pan and simmer until it is gone and then just let them brown on the
outside. They cook a little faster that way as opposed to sitting in a
frying pan. It is also helped by the larger surface contact of the water
than just the pan contacting the tangent point of the casing.
I also like to make sausages on the Showtime rotisserie.