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  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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I've been ec Roberts for some 60 odd years, now, so that one should
have had a hit, if it was still out there. I know I posted it, because
I received replies to it, mostly complaining about the use of heart as
the meat. The thing is, I can't remember if I was still using Gopher,
or had moved over to the Web by then. I know it was just about the time
of the conversion/explosion of WWW.

Ah, well, guess I'll have to start experimenting, again. Isn't near as
much fun, now that all the kids are gone and I'm cooking mostly for
only myself.

Tomato sauce with Italian twist and someting special
Kashi (the uncooked, whole grain type)
Heart, chunked and seared

It will come to me.

