Thread: Clear Eyes
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  #4 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Oh, absolutely. Please, I did not mean to infer the green tea is a cure
for allergies, I don't believe that. I get hayfever every year, cedar
and ragweed.

I was merely recognizing that an annoyance of crusty, blurry eyes at
dawn might be a mild form of allergy. The Prevention magazine does not
suggest that the green tea is a substitute for antihistimines, or
treatment for serious allergic reactions. It only demonstrates a
relationship between diminished and less severe episodes of allergy
related symptoms.

I became interested in green tea for the flavonoids/antioxidants, but
it is meant to be a pleasure. I mean to surround my tea drinking
experience with quiet rituals that may help to relieve stress.
Nonetheless, the more I learn, the more impressed I become with the
healthful properties.

I highly recommend it and it tastes good. :-D

My sympathies on the loss of your mother.