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Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

jmcquown wrote:

> BOB wrote:
>>jmcquown wrote:
>>>ravinwulf wrote:
>>>>Please stop crossposting your threads flaming that Chung
>>>>guy. Thanks.
>>>>Tracy R.
>>>He's been asked to many times before (by me, for one).
>>>I've just set up a news rule in OE to delete anything
>>>with the word "Chung" in the subject. I'd hate to have to
>>>killfile Bob (this one) as he sometimes offers helpful
>>>cooking advice. But if this doesn't work I'll resort to
>>>doing so. (sigh)

>>What? It's mostly things that he has stolen or plagerized. Bob (that
>>one) has even admitted to impersonating a published author at a book

Dear BOB:

I'd appreciate it if you'd take a moment to defecate into your hat and
pull it down over your ears. You seem to have me confused with Sheldon
who has quoted with and without attribution rather often.

> Now don't ask me to point out specific posts. I'm don't care enough to
> Google for them. And IIRC in the post about impersonating an author he was
> drunk as a skunk and wasn't he with or had been with Justin Wilson drinking
> "lemonade" at the time? I don't remember but it was a fun read. Much more
> fun than this Chung crap.

Yes. Justin was in town for a book signing and I had him on my radio
program where we began the day with a most tasty lemonade (I thought).
Afterward we went to the Costco store where he was to sign books. I
sat with him and continued drinking his "Thomas Justin Collinses"
(equal parts CountryTime lemonade and gin) as we had been at the
station. A woman asked me if I was "somebody" and he reached over and
tapped a book by John Grisham. She gushed about how much she loved
"my" books and said that this was the only one she didn't have and on
and on...

He picked up the book and told me to stop being so bashful and just go
ahead and sign the book for the nice lady. So I did. As the afternoon
wore on, he tapped several other books, and I think I was Dean Koontz
for a while, too. In addition to some others I'd never heard of.
Someone drove me home. Justin's "assistant" drove him somewhere. She
came to the radio station carrying two coolers with CountryTime logos
on them. Justin asked me how I liked her jugs. Guy was 83 at the time,
freshly thrown out of his house because his wife caught him messing
around (or so he said).
