On 2/20/2005 3:36 PM, Bluesea wrote:
> "Serendip" > wrote in message
> ...
>> >
>> > I invite you to come on over to alt.collecting.pens-pencils sometime.
> We're
>> > mostly into using fps (despite the name of the group) and the
> participants
>> > are mostly nice, just like here.
>> Thanks - I've been reading acpp for about 10 years, and have known
>> Nathan since the days when he actually had time to do pen repair! Thanks
>> for the contract ink suggestion - have a couple of his colors, but not
>> any of those... yet. This also means that we may "know" each other
>> already - small world!
>> There *are* some really nice and helpful people there, but to be honest
>> - I learned how to killfile because of that group. I keep thinking that
>> someone will have posted about the LA show, but nothing yet.
> Oops, sorry! I didn't recognize your name from there. Yes, I've killfiled
> some participants, but it's not nearly as bad as other ngs I'm in. That's
> why I said "mostly"
LOL! Nothing to apologize for - I don't think I've posted there for
years and years, and I barely scan the threads, so wouldn't have noticed
your name. I guess the good news is that you're not in my killfile!
> Nathan posted something this month about the LA show. Check the threads on
> "more info on lubricating inks" and "Fountain pen as highlighter?"
The show is today, so I was hoping for a report. I don't know what I'm
expecting, but I'm always curious.
> I've got others of his inks, too. For the contracts, I use the black, legal
> lapis, aquamarine blue, and hellbender red. The black is totally awesome -
> the best of any black I've ever used and I'm quite smitten with the legal
> lapis, too.
I was figuring that legal lapis would be the tea journal ink, but
perhaps I should get eternal brown - more tea colored, kinda! (And keeps
this on topic, maybe - thanks for changing the subject line!) Too bad
there aren't sample sizes of the ink... yeah, I know, cartridges, but
Nathan doesn't have them.
Now to pull together what info I should record, as I wait for the Upton
site to stop choking on a hairball or whatever it is that has it no
longer responding, and place my order.