mixers and choppers.
On Sat, 03 Jan 2004 19:25:48 +0000, "Peter Morris"
> wrote:
> Folks,
> I don't do much baking yet as I am so lasy I don't like making doughes and
> cake batters by hand so I am looking at mixers such.
> I have a bit of an eye for the "kitchen aid" brand.
> It looks like it is built to last with nothing that isn't functional.
> What are your thoughts.
It sounds like you only need a hand mixer. I've had them
all from $10 cheapies to Kitchen Aide. Go for the
inexpensive one. If it breaks down, buy another. You don't
need 10 speeds, I've done that and found I only use
lo/med/hi (mainly low & high) anyway. The only thing I can
say constructively about "which mixer" is that you *might*
want to look for some sort of a "governor" on the motor so
it won't burn out if you try to mix something that's too
As for stand mixers, I got a Braun back in the olden daze...
it's still going strong, but sometimes I wish I'd ponied up
the dough and gotten a Kitchen Aide. Beginning with the
baloon whisk and that paddle, KA does more things better.
However, it doesn't sound like what you intend to do
requires a stand mixer, so save your money and your counter
space. Get a hand mixer.
Practice safe eating - always use condiments