"Serendip" > wrote in message

> On 2/20/2005 9:02 PM, Bluesea wrote:
> >> Well, it puts it in the really good, and not something to feel at all
> >> guilty about category, which is a very nice change!! It went from bad
> >> thing to terrific thing - pretty amazing!
> >
> > "All things work together for good..."
> May I quote you if I need to put this into action regarding incoming,
> rather than outgoing, gift?
Oh, sure but it's not mine. It's out of the Bible, Romans 8:28. The full
verse (King James Version) is:
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Is there anyway you can attribute it to your parents or other relatives,
maybe older siblings in whose care you were left?
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not
depart from it."
That's Proverbs 22:6 and should put the monkey squarely on someone else's
back for leading you astray when you were young.
> > That's a good idea. I gave a girlfriend a tin of white for Christmas and
> > when she read her name on the label, she was speechless...for a moment,
> > anyway
> All it takes is forethought, personalization proving the forethought,
> and a tin or two, and we're happy. Kinda.
> >> > Thanks - I'll pass the ideas on how to open the gift w/o tearing the
> >> > paper on to her.
> >>
> >> Just don't let my mother see this...
> >
> > And her email addy is...?
> Totally protected.
Aw, shucks

> It's for her own safety... really. She sees the good
> in people, and would be horrified to learn that someone lost millions of
> dollars, and only needs a small sum from her to get it back.
Yes, you done good.
> Oh - if I handled the sanitation correctly - CYE.
"If" - such a little word with such large ramifications.
Well, I gotta go get that refill.
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