On 2/20/2005 9:41 PM, Bluesea wrote:
>> > "All things work together for good..."
>> May I quote you if I need to put this into action regarding incoming,
>> rather than outgoing, gift?
> Oh, sure but it's not mine. It's out of the Bible, Romans 8:28. The full
> verse (King James Version) is:
> "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
> to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Yes, but one cannot get attempt such a task AND quote the Bible,
claiming it is okay. One CAN try to quote someone from a newsgroup, and
be believed.
> Is there anyway you can attribute it to your parents or other relatives,
> maybe older siblings in whose care you were left?
> "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not
> depart from it."
> That's Proverbs 22:6 and should put the monkey squarely on someone else's
> back for leading you astray when you were young.
Err....umm.... I was taught to be inquisitive and gentle... that might
>> It's for her own safety... really. She sees the good
>> in people, and would be horrified to learn that someone lost millions of
>> dollars, and only needs a small sum from her to get it back.
> Yes, you done good.
I try.
>> Oh - if I handled the sanitation correctly - CYE.
> "If" - such a little word with such large ramifications.
LOL! IF not... someone else is reading a post, and totally confused. I'm
thinking I got it right - I seem to have just been dumped from a group I
mentioned in that e! So it goes.