On 17 Feb 2005 14:44:55 -0800, elgoog wrote:
> I used the microwave method - the IngenuiTea goes in the microwave -
> then I spoon the tea in afterwards. Does anyone have any tips for
> getting the temperature right for green tea? Is it better to guess the
> temperature before it boils, or let it boil and wait about 30 seconds?
Advice for how long to heat water in the microwave will vary from unit
to unit. Higher wattage ovens heat more quickly. This is why the
instructions for any microwavable food tell you to adjust the time as
needed for your unit.
If you're bringing water to a boil, you've passed the temperature for
green teas. Green teas are best at between 160 and 170 degrees
Fahrenheit (70-75 C). It's going to take longer than 30 seconds for
your water to cool from 212 to 170, unless you add cold water to it.
The most accurate answer to your question is to use a microwavable
thermometer. You can insert it in the water and watch to see when the
water has gotten hot.
The advantage to this is that you'd only have to do this once or twice
per microwave. If you pay attention to how long it takes to reach the
correct temperature, you'll know how long to heat the water next time.
There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty.
Miss that, though, and you're pretty much doomed.