Thread: Resteeping?
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Space Cowboy
Posts: n/a

The more expensive the tea the more it can be resteeped or so goes the
pitch you see on the websites. The bottom line the first cup always
taste the best. Even if I did believe there is after taste in the
gongfu method I'd still use a one litter pot and be done with it. You
get a better taste with saturation than filtration. In general blacks
can't be reused but anything else can. The problem with
generalizations it doesn't account for the Ceylon OP which can take
multiple short infusions or a CTC where infusion is immediate and can
take it once or twice more. Even I will hit the pot a second time but
it's because I'm lazy. I have some oolongs that take 5 minutes to
unfurl even at boiling temperature. If I use temperatures less than
that I can start my own episodes of 24. So I hit those several times
because I know they can take it. Multiple infusions is a function of
Western and Asian styles and knowing how your tea tastes in a pot.


Ole Kvaal wrote:
> Hi.
> Are there any general rules for which teas may benefit (or tolerate)
> resteeping, and which do not?
> ole k