Dick , I have thought abuut the typical growth crurve for microbes, and
seeing such a unique procedure practiced in this particular bakery
defies the established standard and expectation , .With such a unique
starter culture makes me think that there is always an exception to the
I even asked their production manager( jokingly) if they are using a
sort of genetically modifed lactobacteria which he denied.
Look, its hard to find a sourdough bakery using 100% levain in the
preparation of natually fermented bread,which only refreshes their
culture once a dayand do not even add bakers yeast to accelerate
fermentation and proofing time. like what other bakeries are doing.
Previously they admitted that they used to do that hybrid technique
but not anymore with thier new culture...
In conclusion the suppoeed vaunted superiority of knowledge of amateur
and hobbyist sourdough bakers was shattered once more by this group
of bakery tradesmen who do not give much importance about theory of
bacterial growth <g>.