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"Alan" > wrote in message
.. .
> Hi,
> I am thinking about tackling a do-it-yourself project and construct my own
> grill and my own smoker. I have rough plans sketched out. I do some
> occassional welding (total amature and mess up a lot) but this will give

> a chance to work on my skills. However, I am looking for some advice as

> what guage steel people out there would suggest and any other things I
> should think about.
> Alan

Some kind people over the years have built websites about their plans and
people have posted a lot of them here.

Here's a quick search of this newsgroup: ns&qt_g=1

A regular websearch also comes up with some stuff: +plans

You didn't mention what style you're planning to make, which would help
people help you. Brick with steel insert? Freestanding offset?

Anyway, check out those searches and mebbe look at the specs of
professionally built units like from Tejas and Klose.

Sounds like fun, good luck to ya, I expect people who've done this will
chime in if you tell them what sort of grill you plan to make.
