On 2/19/2005 8:25 AM or thereabouts, Sandra appears, somewhat
unbelievably, to have opined:
> Hi all
> I have been doing quite a bit of reading on the effects of aspartame etc.(
> diet sugar)
> From everything I have read no medical authority has done any major testing
> or published any results to go along with the articles I have read; does
> anyone know of an objective site I could read.
> I love diet coke & my hus is concerned that I may get some disease ie.motor
> neurone or something else.
> thanks
> sandra
Tell your husband to calm down. There are lots of fruitcakes who claim
that everything from the carpet on your floors to electric lines to dry
cleaning diet coke are killing us.The fact that there is no scientific
proof to back up their claims doesn't bother these alarmist chicken
littles. Yes, the sky is falling and we will all die from something.
I have been drinking diet coke for about 20 years with no ill effects.
If you are worried, I have inside information from a person who works
for Coke that they are coming out with a new version of diet coke with
the sweetener Splenda (non-aspartame). You will soon have a choice of
which version to drink.
I sent ten puns to all my friends hoping that at least one
would make them laugh.
Sadly, no pun in ten did.