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dkdeckmann wrote:
> I say go with the big one. You can throttle it back necessary but you
> can only get 55,000 out of the small one no matter what...

You must have a really small pecker because that sure sounds like penis
envy to me...

A 160,000 BTU burner is too large a diameter for the OP's 16 qt pot,
most of those BTUs would be used to heat the atmosphere. And you can't
safely use more than 10qts of fat in a 16 qt pot lest it foam over...
then all you'd need is the large burner on your kitchen stove... just
that deep frying in a plain pot with more than 4 qts of fat is just not
very safe and should never be attempted indoors.

Before I'd go to all that trouble and take all that risk I'd get a
thermostaically controlled electric deep fryer... there are some very
nice ones of decent volume these days for very little money, certainly
cost a lot less than that fercocktah foundry set up, amd a thousand
times safer. And if one is not enough for your party get two... still
a better deal than Gargantua's bunsen burner... and you'll have one for
the fish and one for the chips.

Here's but one --->
