Daisy wrote:
> Don't ever blanch and freeze capsicums
> or green beans. They just don't work.
Our experience differs from that. When we've grown so many green beans
in the back yard that all our friends got tired of them we have had to
freeze some. We did it this way:
1. bring a large pot of water to full boil.
2. rinse beans, put in water. Do not tip 'n tail.
3. when water (quickly) returns to boil, time for 30 seconds.
4. dip them out, plunge in ice water bath.
5. drain when cold, spread to dry.
6. package in freezer zip bags. (no doubt Tilia would be ideal
but we don't have one)
It worked fine, at least as good as the commercial product.
We also froze bell peppers, both green and red (fully ripe). Here we
followed the method we found on a gardening group: pick, place in
freezer bag, place in freezer. They were fine for cooking, a little
bit soft for a salad or other raw use.
Never had more broccoli than we could eat, never grew cauliflower.