ok, here's the recipe I used. It's modified, but based on Mimi
Sheraton's Garlic Dill Pickles that my mom forwarded to me.
I couldn't find fresh dill heads, so I used the dill as my prior
message notes. Also, I used a plastic gallon container that I got from
The Pickle Guys in nyc, and I poured boiling water over the cukes for
5mins, and then boiled the sal****er and poured that into the container
with ingredients. I had the container closd for 10 days between 60-68
F, shaking twice a day, tried one, and then added another tsp of dill
seed, waited another 5 days before putting it in the fridge.
They do seem to be getting better and better, although the salt taste
still overpowers the sour/dill. Maybe using sour salt will do the trick
next time!
kirby cuke's
7-8 cloves garlic, cracked
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp peppercorns
4-5 dried hot red peppers
3 bay leaves
12-14 sprigs fresh dill
1 tsp dried dill seed
3/4 cup course kosher salt
3 quarts water