> wrote:
> i've come across sausage discussions which say that certain varieties
> should always be steamed and never grilled. anyone have thoughts about
> when to grill, steam, simmer, or saute? until now, i've always
> simmered sausages for 10 minutes to make sure they're cooked, and then
> have either grilled or sauted them.
As always in such cases, it really is up to you how to cook any kind of
sausage. However, there are traditional or widely accepted methods of
preparing certain types, at least when they are going to be consumed by
themselves, whole, 'as is'. For example, Bavarian Weißwürste should
always be heated up in water (or brine, in which they are often sold),
but not actually boiled. Real Wiener or Frankfurter Würstchen and
Bockwürste should be also be heated up in water. Bratwürste are to be
grilled or pan-fried, never boiled (which would be as barbarous as
making triangular pierogi).