Maverick wrote:
> Michael, I spent the first 34 years of my life in Las Vegas so I'm not
> exactly what you'd call a country guy. To me, the smell of cow shit smells
> just like cow shit but to the ranchers around here they say it's the smell
> of money. Could be something to what they say but it still smells like cow
> shit to me.
Maybe I have lived in the country too long and spent too much time around farm
animals. I don't take a lot of offense to the smell of cow and horse manure. Pigs and
chickens are a different matter. Chickens aren't bad in small numbers but you don't
want to be anywhere near a chicken barn when it gets cleaned out. The layers are in
cages and manure is cleaned regularly, but the roasters are another matter. The
hatchlings are put into barns where they run free for however long it takes them to
reach market size. After the chickens are all caught and trucked away they send in a
crew to clean out the shit, and it makes a horrible stench. As bad as that can be, it
pales it comparison to the stick of an industrial pig farm. The pig manure goes into a
big tank and every once in a while it has to be agitated. The smell is enough to turn
you off pork.