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Rodney Myrvaagnes
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 13:33:30 GMT, Dog3 >

>LOL... I know I'm missing out but that is just me. I am pondering
>breakfast. Should I have a lox and bagel or some cereal...

Not for today, but looking ahead a couple of days. Make some gravlax,
but use wild Alaska King Salmon instead of farmed Atlantic salmon.
Even paying for the King, it will cost less than store-bought lox,
although not by much.

You will be pleasantly surprised, I am quite sure.

I have done four batches of this, and every one was better than I have
been able to buy, except at Petro$$ian. Use gloves whenever you touch
the fish. It is not going to get cooked.

Take a 2-lb piece from the thick end of a fillet. Find a SS or glass
baking dish that will hold it. Lay a sheet of plastic wrap down. Make
a 50-50 sugar and kosher salt mix.

Layer the plastic about 1/4 in of the cure mix. Lay the fillet in skin
down. Sprinkle a little rum on the top surface and layer with fresh
dill weed.

Cover all with cure mix, including the edges, and bring up the wrap
around the sides. If the wrap doesn't cover the top add a piece. Lay
on a flat-bottomed dish and a stack of plates or something else to
weight it.

Keep it in the cure for 36 hours. Some recipes call for the first 6
hours at room temp, but it seems to work fine in the fridge.

Take it out and wipe off the cure and dill. Some bits of dill will
stick but no harm.

After that you can slice it just like smoked salmon whenever you want
some. It is a fatty fish with a wonderful flavor. It also slices

Dill is traditional, but not necessary to the curing process. You can
use other herbs, red pepper flakes, etc. Also the rum is not firm.
Cognac is more traditional.

The ratio of salt to sugar varies all over the place in different
recipes. I just started with 50-50 to try it, figuring to adjust if I
wanted it one way or the other. I (and everyone at Thanksgiving) liked
it the way it was, and I don't know which way I would change it.

Cover completely with cure mix

Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC J36 Gjo/a

"Religious wisdom is to wisdom as military music is to music."