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In article . com>,
" > wrote:

> I was trying to make some popcorn balls. Two of the ingredients were
> sugar and honey. One of these two heats to greater than the melting
> point of plastic.
> I have nuked food many times without burning a hole in the bowl. Not
> so this time.

I have found that three things will melt plastic in the microwave:

Most oils/fats (butter etc.)

The oils are not as much of a problem as Tomato or Sugar,

I've learned to use glass for both of those two!


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
to use mental floss twice a day. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra