In article >,
Bill > wrote:
> On 16 Feb 2005 05:01:03 GMT, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> >On Tue 15 Feb 2005 09:27:00p, wrote in
> >
> >> Not sure if anything beats a good peanut butter and honey sandwich,
> >> unless its peanut butter and jelly. Lots of peanut butter. Got milk?
> >>
> >> Mark
> >
> >I sure can't disagree. I just finished a chunky peanut butter and homemade
> >strawberry jam sandwich, thick layers of each, with a glass of buttermilk.
> >I
> >don't like regular milk.
> >
> >Wayne
> Didn't your Mother teach you to stir the peanut butter and jam
> together before spreading the mixture on the bread Wayne? I find that
> the bread tears apart easily if I try to put a layer of peanut butter
> on the bread and then put a layer of jam on the bread...
That's why you put the peanut butter on one piece of bread, then the jam
on the other.