On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 13:34:59 -0800, sf > wrote:
>On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 02:31:16 -0600, "jmcquown"
> wrote:
>> 9.75% (sucks)
>It does When Bush "cuts" taxes and Arnie doesn't reinstate
>the appropriate "car tax" rate, short sighted people think
>they are getting a deal - what it really means is that
>revenue has to be raised some other way. Jacking up your
>local taxes is one way to do it. People want services, like
>public transportation, hospitals, fire and police - not to
>mention filling up potholes in the local roads... and they
>have to pay for them somehow.
not when we privatize the sidewalks!
your pal,