On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 14:38:02 GMT, Hahabogus >
>Top Spin > wrote in
>> On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 05:32:09 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Isaac Wingfield" > wrote in message
>> >> I have an old nuker that needs replacement, but I'm confused by
>> >> your statement. In exactly which way (or ways) would a new
>> >> microwave perform "far better" than my old one? According to my
>> >> measurements, my nearly 30 year old model still delivers just as
>> >> much power as it did when new, and the timer still works just
>> >> fine; what else is there?
>> >>
>> >> Isaac
>> >
>> >Just how much power when new? Most were 500 or 750 watt compared
>> >to the 1200 or 1500 of today making them much faster.
>> >
>> >Inverter technology can sense cooking and adjust the time
>> >accordingly. Better defrost cycles by weight or by time. Newer
>> >models tend to have more even heat (wave) distribution than the
>> >older models. New ones even do popcorn better. Most have a button
>> >just for that as it is a very popular thing.
>> Well, we went out and bought a new Panasonic. It's one of those "The
>> Genius" models. Model number NN T994SF. Cost $180.
>> The first thing I did was make popcorn. I use loose corn (Orville
>> Redenbacher air pop corn) in one of those microwave popcorn gadgets.
>> I tried the popcorn button. The corn started popping a little sooner
>> than with the old oven, but not much. I think the old was was 1,000
>> watts (maybe 1200) and this one is 1250.
>> It ran about 2 minutes which was not nearly long enough. (I used to
>> set the old one for 3 minutes.) I immediately pushed the popcorn
>> button again and it finished popping. Took about 3 minutes overall.
>> When I took it out, one area was badly burned. It was so bad, that
>> the edge of the popper wall was scortched. This never happened on
>> the old one.
>> I'll do some more testing, but this one is not as good as the old
>> one for popcorn based on one test.
>> --
>> Hitachi HB-A101 bread machine, 1 pound
>> Email: Usenet-20031220 at spamex.com
>> (01/10/05)
>First off usually there is a large number of 'old maids' when nuking pop
"Old maids"?
>Secondly, of course it burnt you ran it for almost a double cycle.
A double cycle for what? I ran it until the popping stopped. Those are
the instructions on the popper and the microwave.
>Read the manual...it should tell you what weight/amount of popcorn the
>push button is set for and at what power setting the microwave is at
>while popping corn.
>You needed to get used to the old one, so I suppose you'll need to get
>used to the new one.
Hitachi HB-A101 bread machine, 1 pound
Email: Usenet-20031220 at spamex.com