Eat your heart out RN....
You will never had that opportunity....
Supposing....... I ask the owner of that bakery for some samples as
some rank amateur bakers do not believe that such things that I posted
here can happen.... He will be have a bellyache,.. from laughter at
such skepticism...I might be might insulted (as well ) for
accomodating such petty request
I am certain ( knowing his character ) he will say....So what......Even
if the world does not believe that I have a recent unique technique
for making my sourdough bread which is virtually based on 100%
levain.....and employing no dodgy technics whatsoever( knowing his
bakers for a long time ).
It will not affect my business at all.
Let those guys go bonkers due to their skepticism.!
Carry on RN.....Have the pleasure of being doubtful........By
pondering on this issue ..... in the quest to understand the
mechanics of that particular bakery's sourdough baking style ;and
deeply meditating on it ( in a typical lotus postures<g> but with a
wine bottle in one hand and a wine glass on the other<g>)you will come
to self realization and enlightenment<g> and accept with humility your
limitations,,,,i. e., your ignorance...
And I wish you luck in your introspection....
And forget about the Adams ...or (Addams Family.?)... they are just
cartoon characters<g>.