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Doug Freyburger
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texpat wrote:
> I bought my daughter and SIL some All-Clad stainless steel
> cookware a couple of years ago. I learned this weekend that
> they don't use it very often because it sticks, badly.
> Does anyone have a solution for this? You can't season SS, can you?

Good cookware like All Clad is stick resisant not non-stick. The
kids can't tell the difference, probably because they're never
been told the difference.

With stick resistant cookware, when you put the meat in the oiled
pan, it will stick for a while and then release. More importantly
it releases when it is time to flip the meat to cook the other
side. What they've been doing is impatience. Since with a
non-stick pan they can flip and flip and flip any time, they have
been trying to do that. Doesn't work, wrong way to do it. They
also probably don't use oil like Edwin Pawlowski mentioned.