Victor Sack wrote:
> beebe > wrote:
> > no foaming, and the container did not seem to expand; actually, the
> > brine level went down about 3/4" over the 15 days.
> Sounds like no fermentation happened and no lactic acid was formed,
> you effectively ended up just brining your cucumbers. Nothing wrong
> with this, but the taste is, of course, different.
> I've never made Mimi Sheraton's recipe, but chances are good it
If ever you ask at a NYC kosher appetizing store for a *full sour*
pickle you will be handed, and by handed I mean fished out of a huge
wooden barrel by bare hand, a gargantuan bright green crisp oblong sour
behemoth, so sour it'll keep your lips puckered all the rest of the day
and then some... it will have been soured with the addition of sour
salt, and NEVER a drop of vinegar. I learned to make sour pickles in
wooden barrels at a real NYC kosher deli when I was four (4) years
old... I was also in charge of the prepared deli mustard... I can
prepare mustard toots faster than you can count pennies to pay for