On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 18:15:36 GMT, (Curly
Sue) wrote:
>Simply put, if one likes liver, pate and liverwurst are probably easy.
>I think all three are yummy, but too fattening to eat ad libitum. I
>had seared foie gras once and enjoyed it, but wouldn't eat it again
>because of the way the animals have to be treated.
Now, here's where "weird" kicks in: I love a good pate, but don't like
liver in any other form. Ever. Period. Blecchhh. My mother used to
cook liver and I hated it. Thank God, we always had a dog.
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."
-- Duncan Hines
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